Social adaptation and integration of labour migrants

Since 2007, the ACNO "New Century" has started working with labour migrants in the framework of public health projects based on the organization's low-threshold services. Work experience with this category and increased migration flows dictated the need for an integrated approach and implementation of programs for social adaptation and integration of migrants. Since 2014, the organization has begun to develop a unique aspect of work with labour migrants, based on the most successful international practices of working with migrants.

This allowed the ACNO "New century" the first in Russia to implement a service - introductory orientation courses for labour migrants with the support of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan since 2015. Which are aimed at teaching foreign citizens the rights and duties, norms and culture of behavior in the host society, the prevention of extremism, the rules for the prevention of socially significant diseases, as well as providing information about the system of public services and the labour market in the Republic.

Since 2016, the organization has offered innovative approaches to the use of mobile technologies in the social sphere and has started creating a mobile application “M-Help” for migrants with the support of the grant of the President of Russia for SO NGOs through the operator of the public movement "Civil dignity". The application serves as an operative channel for informing and advising migrants on topics relevant to them, protecting their rights, medical and social assistance, and ensuring the connection of migrants with state and non-state aid services. The peculiarity of M-Help in its integration with real help services for migrants, the possibilities of online counseling and its multilingualism - the application works in 6 languages: Russian, Uzbek, Tajik, Armenian, Azerbaijani, English.


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